Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Writing the old fashioned way

It's pretty late.  I came into my room to do some reading and found that hubby had left a folded yellow legal pad piece of paper with some familiar handwriting on my bedside table.  It was in my mom's handwriting, and my heart just skipped a beat.  My mom died in 2005, so when we run across something like this it is pretty amazing.  There is just no way that texting, typing, emailing, etc. can take the place of something that someone very dear to you has written 'in their own penmanship'.  Does anyone even know what that is anymore?  Do they still teach it in school?  What she wrote was a little piece about her childhood and a few very important reminders for me, even though she seemed to have been writing out some thoughts she'd planned to present to her church family, as it went through a rough spot.  I don't know if she ever got a chance to speak but knowing my mom, if she did say what she wrote she probably cried while saying it.  The point of this, though, is that we must remember to write notes to each other, leave behind something for our children to find ...personal thoughts and ideas written by hand.  Don't let technology make personal written notes a thing of the past.  One day we may find that our computers, phones, iPods, iPads, and the like, don 't work anymore...and we have no spellcheck and no auto correct.  Trust me on this.  It is important.  I love you mom and I miss you so much.  Thank you for the notes...they couldn't have come at a better time.  I will think of you at Thanksgiving because you loved to cook and so enjoyed having the family come and eat your wonderful dinner!  Happy thanksgiving to all...and remember to be thankful....and practice your writing. Nana

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